The Greeks: Agamemnon to Alexander the Great

Agamemnon to Alexander the Great: A stunning exhibition celebrating 5,000 years of Greek culture. Opens June 1. About the Exhibition This summer, National Geographic will bring an extraordinary cultural experience to Washington, D.C. THE GREEKS: Agamemnon to Alexander the Great is an exceptional journey through 5,000 years of Greek history and culture. This exhibition […]

Mosaic of Alexander the Great meeting a Jewish priest – the first ever non-biblical scene to be discovered inside a synagogue.

Stunning mosaics that may depict Alexander the Great meeting a Jewish priest have been unearthed in Israel. The artwork was uncovered in the east aisle of a fifth-century synagogue in the ancient Jewish village of Huqoq. The scene is the first non-biblical story to be found in an ancient synagogue. A team of archaeologists led […]